Monday 30 September 2013

Animation mask and pioneers of animation

Definition of animation
Animation is a series of still images that give the illusion that they are moving, for example Tom and Jerry.  Tom and Jerry is a very popular kids TV program which is animated. You can also get animation flash games too. Some big name film studio companies like Pixar and Warner Brothers make animated films. Toy Story was the first 3D cartoon made. Dragon Ball is another animated game, it was made in 1984. Animation has been along for hundreds of years, an example of this is a Victorian zoetrope.  Animation is made up of FPS (frames per second). These frames run and give the illusion that the images are moving.
The pioneers of animation 
There are 4 main pioneers of animation. Walt Disney, William Horner, Thomas Edisson and The Lumiere Brothers.
Walt Disney
Walt Disney is arguably the most famous pioneer of animation; he created Disney Studios which made animated films, some of which are world famous. Some old films he made are Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Dumbo and Bambi. He was born in 1901 and died in 1966. There’s a long-standing urban legend maintains that Disney was cryonically frozen, and his frozen corpse stored beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
William Horner
William George Horner was a British mathematician. The zoetrope was invented in 1834 and was originally called a Daedalum ("wheel of the Devil"). A zoetrope is a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession. It was an improvement on the phenkitascope. People liked this more and found it easier too used. It made animation easier to be seen because it had small slits on the side where the person could look inside and it would give a better effect than a phenkikascope.
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor, who made the Phonograph. This was the gramophone record was one of the dominant audio recording formats throughout much of the 20th century. The phonograph at its peak was used massively but cost a lot to have. He also invented the Kinetoscope, which is an early motion picture exhibition device. It was originally made so it could be used for one person to watch a film through a peep hole. It was made around 1988.
The Lumiere Brothers
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas and Louis Jean were the first filmmakers ever, They were born in France but moved to Lyon where they both attended ‘La Martiniere ‘, the largest technical school in Lyon. They worked for their dad for a bit at his photographic firm. Louis was a physicist and Auguste as was the manager. Once their farther retired they began to make ‘ moving pictures ‘.The Lumières held their first private screening of projected motion pictures in 1895, then a public screening of films in December the same year. Their first film they made was ‘Sortie des Usines Lumiere a Lyon ‘, this was played at ‘ Salon Indien du Grand Café ‘ which is in Paris.

I got this to work by adding two key frames, one at number one, one at number 20, and inbertween those two numbers you add a shape tween. Once I did that, I clicked the text tool and wrote a number ‘1’ on the frame one. Then clicked frame twenty and put number 2. You then have to click on both numbers and press CTRL + B, this breaks the numbers down so they can morph. Now when I run the animation the number 1 changes to the number 2 as it moves across the timeline.



The animation is similar to the first one, I added two key frames, one at 1, one at 10, but instead I added a motion tween and not a shape tween, I then clicked on 1, drew a circle in the top left corner, right clicked and converted to a shape, then clicked on 10, moved the ball to the opposite corner and then ran the animation. The circle bounced from top right to bottom left to give the impression its bouncing.
This image below shows the animation timeline of my mask that I created. To make the mask I imported an image to the stage, then made a new layer. On the new layer I drew an oval in the middle of the stage. I then right clicked on the oval and pressed ‘mask’. Then the layers change and indicate which layer is masked. Then I created a frame at frame 20 on the masked layer. Then I added a Class Tween on the masking layer timeline. I then clicked on 1 and moved the oval to the left. Now the oval goes across the screen shower parts of the picture from the stage.

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